Hi bloggers yg follow aku.. (sikit2 lama2 jadi bukit juga tu nanti)
Today's story.. (yesterday's story actually ~ now oledy 4.24am). I was supposed to take Zulee's Proton Savvy to Proton SC @ Batu Caves. Something wrong with the alarm system. The doors automatically locked and unlocked by itself as if someone is pressing the alarm button! Worst part was when the alarm system suddenly activated! We were sitting at Mamak's stall (Me, my bro Didie, and Zulee).. and everyone was looking! Bikin malu.. paham2 la bunyi alarm savvy. Didie tried to find for the fuse box.. and it didn't work. Try to deactivate the alarm system by pressing the alarm button.. no use! Last option.. cabut battery kereta! settle! Hahahaha..!
Anyway.. i was having migraine.. so i couldn't go. Sorry Wee.. =(
I took medicine after i had my lunch.. it made me sleepy. Cut story short.. i continue sleep until 4pm!
And here comes the interesting part of today's (err.. yesterday's) story..
Patut hantar Zulee p kerja! She had to work night shift this week.. so she can monitor batch kelas malam. Shift start @4.30pm.. kalang kabut la.. migraine pun terus hilang! Grab the car key.. grab all the 'must bring' stuff.. arghh!! Lif pula lambat! Huhu..
Start engine... vrooommm! Traffic light was green.. then red.. shit! I hate this traffic light.. 10secs for green but over a minute for red! not fair!so i waited.. and waited for the light to turn green.. and when it does..
Let the pict explain the rest of it.. (amik guna sony ericson Zulee)
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Near Sentul Boulevard ~ nama bukan main grand! |
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yg ni sempat gesel badan dia depan kereta.. NASIB BUKAN GESEL TANDUK DIA! kalau tidaakk... CALAR! |
Lepas tu aku hantam ja langgar lampu merah! Hua hua hua!!!
Anyway... walaupun sepanjang hari siang aku tidak best.. but the night was awesome! Yeahhh...! Congratulation to our Football team.. Champion piala aff suzuki.. Indonesia pun hebat juga.. Malaysia menang aggregate 4-2. I must say.. kali ni baru la terasa semangat bola Malaysia. sebelum ni corak permainan ntahapahapa... Salute Rajagopal! Congrats Safee (best scorer).. and Khairul.. mimang bergaya habis jadi goal keeper!